Saturday, March 3, 2007

Company Kept

"You remind me of my sister," he'd said. "I assure you, Magistrate, I am nothing like your sister," I had replied.

It appears I have found myself in the company of the Magistrate of the Metellan District more than is likely healthy for his political reputation. Speculation and intrigue is often quick to rear its head, especially around the time of elections.

It is not however for such overtly profitable reasons I have taken up company with Venor. He owes me a favor, he is in my debt. Whether the favor owed is worth the original bargain, is not my concern. It is the debt itself, not how we arrived at it, that has my interest and personal investment.

His behavior of late I've found curious. Is he merely eccentric? Or completely insane. The latter could be manipulated to further my own interests, the former may prove more troublesome than I had anticipated.

I found myself last evening in the Metellan, more specifically the Tendoras Tit and once again accompanied by the Magistrate. I am no stranger to dens, not in any city, they are a cloying, festering, cesspool of information. If you buy enough rounds you can find out anything about just about anyone. This is though, the first time I have seen a creature in such an amount of garish pink that it nearly hurt my eyes to look upon her. An entertainer, I had gathered, which would be the reason she was not subject to gang rape and enslavement upon entering the establishment unescorted.

There was also, the Musician. Damos I believe he was introduced as. I am unsure what his relation is to Venor, other than they appear to be close and have a history that dates beyond Ar itself. He is beautiful. And yet notoriously behind such beauty is deformity; a vile darkness. I find myself wondering the extent of his.

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